DHHL Wildfire Relief Program 

Funded by Native American Housing Assistance and Self Determination Act (NAHASDA)

Our Purpose

In a continued partnership with Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL), the Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement (CNHA) is providing emergency rental assistance in the State of Hawai’i to native Hawaiian families who are eligible to reside on Hawaiian Home Lands including Lessees, Undivided Interest Lessees, or applicants on the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL) Waiting List that are unable to pay rent and utilities due to the wildfires on the island of Maui and Hawai’i Island.

Funded by the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act, the Wildfire Relief Program is set to provide up to 6 months of rental and utility relief for eligible native Hawaiian families. The program will play a vital role in helping individuals and families get back on their feet and rebuild their lives after experiencing significant loss. By addressing immediate housing needs, the DHHL Wildfire Relief Program will help to pave the way for those working to achieve long-term stability.

Who Can Qualify

  • Native Hawaiian families who are eligible to reside on Hawaiian Home Lands and are unable to pay rent and utilities due to the wildfires including:

    • Lessees

    • Undivided Interest Lessees

    • Applicants on the DHHL Waiting List 

  • Income Limits

    • For Renters & Undivided Interest Lessee: Less than 80% Area Median Income (AMI).

    • For DHHL Lessee: Less than 120% Area Median Income (AMI).

  • Applicant households must NOT be receiving other subsidies. (I.e., state-funded rental assistance, AUW, Red Cross, FEMA rental coverage, Section 8, etc., or insurance proceeds provided to such household that has been received or is available to pay costs intended to be charged the NHHBG grant). 

Eligibility Requirements

  • Rent (up to 6 months)

  • Security Deposit

  • Utilities & Home Energy Costs

    • Electricity

    • Gas

    • Water

    • Sewer

    • Trash Removal

    • Solar Energy Costs

Documents Needed to Apply

Required Documents

  • *Self-Attestations (A person’s written declaration of his/her circumstance) may be granted on a case-by-case basis.

  • Government-issued photo ID

  • Proof of Hawaii Residency

  • Rental Agreement

  • Wait List Island and Rank Number

  • Income Verification Documents, for at least 2 months prior to application date. Acceptable forms include the following:

    • (IRS) Form 1040

    • Wage Statement

    • Interest Statement

    • Unemployment Compensation Statement

Are you on the DHHL Waiting List?

Click the button below to see the current DHHL Application Waiting List.

Interested in Applying?

Click the button below to start your online application.

Please complete your application using the Chrome, Firefox or Safari web browsers.

This program is being supported in whole, by federal award number 23.021 awarded to the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands by the U.S. Department of the Treasury.

DHHL Wildfire Relief Program